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about laatka


Professor Hałas was a true trend-setter in mid-century Poland. His family had a long furniture making tradition and owned a successful furniture factory that was making and exporting furniture all over Europe, including grand houses of European royalty. The factory was taken away from the family by Nazis when Rajmund was a boy and never returned, but young Rajmund managed to find his way by promoting design in communist Poland and creating various organisations, his crown jewel was founding Industrial Design Department at the University of the Arts in Poznań.

Furniture designed by him has been serving for decades in many Polish houses. His original 60s pieces are now very precious, sought after collection items that are meticulously renovated. Due to the communist reality he lived in, many of his genius designs did not get to see the light of day during his lifetime.

Nowy Model foundation is doing an incredible job of finding buried treasures such as this bookcase and bringing them to the world. They honour the designers by making sure all the details are exactly how the creators intended them, and their families by offering generous sale commissions. At laatka we are passionate about design and therefore very proud and happy that we partnered with Nowy Model foundation to bring this amazing bookcase to British market.


sustainability approach


We believe that taking care of the environment is our responsibility.

In fact, one of the core reasons laatka was created was to offer an alternative to mass-produced furniture that cannot be refurbished, reused, or recycled due to the poor quality of materials they are made of. We base our philosophy around circular economy.


Our tables are made from locally sourced FSC certified hardwood only and we do not mix materials. An oak table will have all elements made from that oak, even the hidden parts. Our tables are finished with natural oils, which are eco-friendly and create a luxury satin finish that highlights the beauty of natural wood. This type of finish also allows for the piece to be easily refreshed at home – it is enough to rub some oil in it once in a while and every few years sand it lightly before oiling to have a brand new looking piece of furniture for many years to come.


Our aim and biggest dream is to see laatka tables handed over to next generations, therefore we focus on timeless design, durability, superb craft and top quality responsibly sourced natural materials.


design heritage


Professor Hałas was a true trend-setter in mid-century Poland. His family had a long furniture making tradition and owned a successful furniture factory that was making and exporting furniture all over Europe, including grand houses of European royalty. The factory was taken away from the family by Nazis when Rajmund was a boy and never returned, but young Rajmund managed to find his way by promoting design in communist Poland and creating various organisations, his crown jewel was founding Industrial Design Department at the University of the Arts in Poznań.

Furniture designed by him has been serving for decades in many Polish houses. His original 60s pieces are now very precious, sought after collection items that are meticulously renovated. Due to the communist reality he lived in, many of his genius designs did not get to see the light of day during his lifetime.

Nowy Model foundation is doing an incredible job of finding buried treasures such as this bookcase and bringing them to the world. They honour the designers by making sure all the details are exactly how the creators intended them, and their families by offering generous sale commissions. At laatka we are passionate about design and therefore very proud and happy that we partnered with Nowy Model foundation to bring this amazing bookcase to British market.


key people


Ela Bogucka, co-founder and managing director

Ela is an ex-property and asset manager. Having worked in London property for over a decade Ela gained experience in various aspects of management.


From managing extensive property portfolios, through team leading, overlooking projects and building clients and stakeholders relationships Ela’s focus is on customer care and smooth operations management.


Due to her educational background Ela also took on a role of laatka’s copywriter and content designer.


Ela holds an MA degree in English Studies from Adam Mickiewicz University and  is an active academic teacher at School of Banking (WSB University). 


key people


Mikolaj Dymowski projektant wzornictwa przemysłowego, Dyrektor Kreatywny marki Laatka i wykładowca. Absolwent Royal College of Art, oraz Imperial College London, gdzie studiowal na kierunku Innovation Design Engineering.


Po studiach pracował dla jednej z wiodących agencji projektowych w Londynie, Tangerine, gdzie miał okazje projektować dla takich firm jak: Nikon, Toyota, British Airways, Lufthansa, czy Krolewska Mennica. Po zakończeniu pracy dla Tangerine, Mikolaj ponownie związał się z Royal College of Art., tym razem jako Design Associate, gdzie wszedł w skład multidyscyplinarnego zespołu badawczego pracującego na zlecenie firmy Huawei.


Ponadto Mikolaj miał okazje odbyć staże projektowe w studiach projektowych w Pekinie, a także w rodzimym Studiu Rygalik. Projekty nad którymi pracował zdobywały najważniejsze nagrody branżowe takie jak Red Dot design Award, czy IF Design Awards, oraz wchodziły w skład wystaw  Muzeum Designu w Nowym Jorku i Mediolanie.


Od października 2020 Mikolaj piastuje stanowisko wykładowcy na Wydziale Wzornictwa Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Katowicach.

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